Friday, January 18, 2013

Olustee Festival

photograph by Victoria Dorsey - used with permission

Annual Reenactment of the
Battle of Olustee or Ocean Pond
Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park, Florida

February 15-17, 2013

    Adults - $7; Seniors (62+) - $5; Active Duty Military, Reservists and National Guard with ID - FREE;
    Children - $5; Pre-school age children - FREE

Questions, on matters not answered below, concerning the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park
or the annual reenactment should be directed to: .

A pre-recorded message, listing park hours and events, is available at (386) 758-0400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (386) 758-0400 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

A toll-free number for information is also available at 1-877-635-3655 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-635-3655 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Battle of Olustee home page


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Olustee Festival

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Circle Cross Cowboy Church presents...Jonathan Buckner & Chosen Road (gospel bluegrass)!/events/551090054901873/

Circle Cross Cowboy Church North Florida Livestock Market 12171 US Hwy 441 Lake City, Florida
Circle Cross Cowboy Church presents...Jonathan Buckner & Chosen Road (gospel bluegrass)
Jona!an Buckner & Chosen Road
Jonathan Buckner and Chosen Road is an exciting young bluegrass gospel ministry
which was incepted in July of 2009 and immediately signed with Poor Mountain Music Recording
Label. The group has released three projects on the Poor Mountain Label with
their latest release “Expectations” seeing great success on the airways. Members of Chosen
Road have shared stages across the country with some of bluegrass and gospel music’s
most prominent names including Earl Scruggs, The Lewis Family, Alison Krauss and Union
Station, Dailey and Vincent, Blue Highway, The Primitive Quartet, The Isaacs, The Singing
Cookes, The Inspirations, Squire Parsons, Lu Lu Roman, Doc Watson and many more. The
group’s distinctive sound features Jonathan Buckner on guitar and vocals along with Jonathan
Campbell on bass and vocals, Zach Alvis on mandolin and vocals, and Jason Wheeler
on banjo and guitar.
Chosen Road is a full time ministry and keeps an extensive tour schedule holding approximately
two- hundred dates per year. The ensemble travels the east coast and ministers
through their form of bluegrass gospel music to audiences in a variety of venues including
churches, theaters, festivals, and fairs. Jonathan Buckner and Chosen Road’s unique sound
is guaranteed to please fans of all musical genres and leave them wanting more. A service
with Chosen Road is sure to be an uplifting time that audiences will not forget.

Circle Cross Cowboy Church of Lake City Florida

proudly presents gospel Bluegrass recording artists



WHEN:         Friday Feb, 8th, 2013 @ 7 p.m.

Where:       Circle Cross Cowboy Church

                        North Florida Livestock market

                        12171 So. Hwy 441

                        Lake City, Florida


Members of Chosen Road have shared stages across the country with some of bluegrass and gospel music’s most prominent names including Earl Scruggs, The Lewis Family, Alison Krauss and Union Station, Dailey and Vincent, Blue Highway, The Primitive Quartet, The Isaacs, The Singing Cookes, The Inspirations, Squire Parsons, Lu Lu Roman, Doc Watson and many more.


Jonathan Buckner and Chosen Road’s unique sound is guaranteed to please fans of all musical genres and leave them wanting more. A service with Chosen Road is sure to be an uplifting time that audiences will not forget.


Come join us for church at the North Florida Livestock Market 

every Sunday at 3:pm for a kicken good time.



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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Civil War Education Association

With gratitude to all who serve and have served in the United States military, especially in 1941-1945, we continue our acclaimed annual series of World War II conferences – to better understand and further appreciate the epic struggle of the 20th century.
Our 2013 conference in Sarasota will again feature an impressive group of military historians and World War...
“The Grey Ghost”- John Singleton Mosby - one of the most enigmatic figures of the Civil War, was a successful attorney who enlisted in the 1st Virginia Cavalry at the outbreak of the War. He quickly moved up through the ranks, and eventually raised his own partisan unit - first a battalion, and later a regiment known as "Mosby Raiders...
Battle of Shiloh Tennessee, Cannon, U.S. Grant, Sherman, Beauregard, Bloody Pond
This may become our most memorable program of 2013. Almost 151 years to the day of the first great battle of the Civil War, we will assemble in Corinth. Mississippi for comprehensive tours of the pristine battlefield of Shiloh and the strategically important hub of Corinth. Add in the expected near-perfect temperature, the...
The Hatfield & McCoy feud is the most famous of all American vendettas and is known to most everyone through a multitude of articles, books, films, songs, plays, and even cartoons that have been written on the subject. The image of the bearded, barefoot hillbilly toting a rifle and a jug of moonshine has become ingrained in our national consciousness and has informed...
Often slighted in comparison to the fighting on the southern end of the battlefield on July 2 and the Pickett-Pettigrew assault on July 3, the action on July 1 is in many ways the battle’s most interesting. Combat on July 1 developed out of a fluid situation that repeatedly forced officers to make difficult decisions amid critical circumstances. Our tour will focus on a number of the...

What's New


  • Here it is: Our 2013 Calendar of Events!

    21st Annual Sarasota Civil War Symposium, January 23-26, Sarasota, FL...
  • New from Timothy B. Smith: Corinth 1862: Siege, Battle, Occupation.

    TIMOTHY B. SMITH has written an excellent new book: Corinth 1862: Siege, Battle, Occupation. We recommend this book especially to those who will attend our April 17-20...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jefferson Davis's response to the E.P.

o    President Davis’s response to the EP

Here are just SOME of the amazing tid bits by Davis in this speech

1) Slavery is the cornerstone of the Confederacy. Davis apologist say slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War or the Confederacy. Here, Davis himself says slavery was the very foundation of the CSA.

2) Davis damns Lincoln for using black troops. He claims the war should be just by whites, "scions, peers, men of the same stock" and that to use blacks in battle "degrades" the white race, and justifies no mercy for blacks or whites in battle -- no prisoners.

The Southern lunatics today try to say they had black soldiers -- volunteers no less -- fighting for the South. Nonsense. According to Jeff Davis himself, Lincoln allowing blacks into the Union Army was an abomination against white race, and so changed the nature of the war, that he would invade the North and make slaves of all blacks there too (see below)

3) As a result of Lincoln using blacks -- we will invade the North, enslave the Negroes there!

Thats's right, because Lincoln said he will use black men as soldiers --- the South invade the North, and enslave blacks there, making the US one big slave nation, as God intended!!!!!

4) All slaves ever freed in the South are hereby "placed back on the slave status -- and their issue -- forever"

Many Southern apologist say Davis was going to end slavery soon anyway -- here, he promises to make slavery PERPETUAL -- forever. The slaves and the "issue" -- children -- will be enslaved forever.

5) Davis hopes to reunite the country, and make it all slave states.

Just like the Dred Scott decision, and the Southern Ultimatums, the issue was the SPREAD of slavery. Here Davis says he will reunite the country as a big slave nation.

Really, you have to read it over and over to get a handle on it.

Without further ado.....

Jefferson Davis, Richmond, January 5, 1863.

Jeff Davis
An Address to the People of the Free States by the President of the Southern Confederacy
Richmond, January 5, 1863.

"Citizens of the non-slaveholding States of America, .... Heretofore, the warfare has been conducted by white men -- peers, scions of the same stock; but the programme has been changed, and your rulers despairing of a triumph by th employment of white men, have degraded you and themselves, by inviting the cooperation of the black race.

Thus, while they deprecate the intervention of white men -- the French and the English -- in behalf of the Southern Confederacy, they, these Abolitionists, do not hesitate to invoke the intervention of the African race in favor of the North.........

"Now, therefore, as a compensatory measure, I do hereby issue the following Address to the People of the Non-Slaveholding States:

"On and after February 22, 1863, all free negroes within the limits of the Southern Confederacy shall be placed on the slave status, and be deemed to be chattels, they and their issue forever. (RE - ENSLAVE ALL BLACKS EVER FREED)

"All negroes who shall be taken in any of the States in which slavery does not now exist, in the progress of our arms, shall be adjudged, immediately after such capture, to occupy the slave status, and in all States which shall be vanquished by our arms, all free negroes shall, ipsofacto, be reduced to the condition of helotism, so that the respective normal conditions of the white and black races may be ultimately placed on a permanent basis, so as to prevent the public peace from being thereafter endangered.

"Abraham Lincoln has seen fit to ignore the Constitution he has solemnly sworn to support, it ought not be considered polemically or politically improper in me to vindicate the position which has been at an early day of this Southern republic, assumed by the Confederacy, namely, that slavery is the corner-stone of a Western Republic.
"In view of these facts, and conscientiously believing that the proper condition of the negro is slavery, or a complete subjection to the white man, -- and entertaining the belief that the day is not distant when the old Union will be restored with slavery nationally declared to be the proper condition of all of African descent, and in view of the future harmony and progress of all the States of America, I have been induced to issue this address, so that there may be no misunderstanding in the future. JEFFERSON DAVIS"

Source: Broadside, Jefferson Davis Papers, University Library, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA. This is printed in Ervin L. Jordan, _Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia,_ University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1995, Appendix C, pages 319-320.