Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So what was the name of the American Civil War?

There has been some false information and myth being spread about the US Congress recognizing the Civil War as the official title of The War Between the States and thereby recognizing the Confederacy as a government. It is bunk. Here is what is being said and the truth below. The MYTH;

On March 2ed 1928 the United States Senate issued the following joint Resolution #41 “A war was waged between 1861-1865 between TWO organized governments. The United States of America and the Confederate States of America. These were the official titles of the contending parties. It was NOT a Civil War as it was not fought between two parties within the same government.

It was NOT a war of secession, for the Southern States seceded without a thought of war. The right of a state to secede had never been questioned. It was not a War of Rebellion, for sovereign, independent states, co-equal, CANNOT REBEL against each other. It was the War Between the States, because 22 nonseceding states made war on 11 seceding states to force them back into the United States. It was not until after the surrender of 1865 that secession was decided to be unconstitutional.” As for it being finalized in the Constitution as unconstitutional, that is true for the rest....

NOW forThe FACT:
What actually occurred was that Congress in 1928 passed a joint resolution concerning a wartime claim by Nevada against the United States. The resolution referred to the conflict as the ‘War Between the States’ in explaining the context of the claim. (The resolution’s sponsor called it the “Civil War” in his remarks on the Senate floor.) Even the United Daughters of the Confederacy & The Sons of Confederate Veterans official history noted that this resolution did not constitute official recognition.

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