June 2013
150 Years Ago This Month... Action continued in the West as the Federal noose tightened around Vicksburg (MS), and the Union campaign toward Chattanooga finally began. In the East, West Virginia's break with the Old Dominion became official while Robert E. Lee's army marched north into Maryland and Pennsylvania.
The Gettysburg Campaign

• The Battle of Brandy Station (June 9, 1863) ~ Union cavalry surprised J.E.B. Stuart's troopers north of Culpeper (VA) while Lee gathered his infantry for the push north. The Brandy Station Foundation has scheduled living history programs and a walking tour of a key part of the battlefield June 8 with commemorative ceremonies June 9 (brandystationfoundation.com/sesquicentennial.htm).
In addition, a car-caravan tour is set June 8 (eventbrite.com/event/6110307093).
• The Battle of Second Winchester (June 13-15, 1863) ~ The vanguard of Lee's army swept aside Union resistance in Winchester (VA) as it moved north. A variety of tours and living history programs are planned for the anniversary. shenandoahatwar.org

• Cavalry action in the Loudoun Valley (June 17-21,1863) ~ While Lee's infantry marched north beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains, Confederate cavalry screened the move at Aldie, Middleburg and Upperville (VA). Living history, talks tours and more commemorate the events along the modern-day Route 50 corridor. mosbyheritagearea.org/events.html and civilwarinloudounvalley.com
• The Wrightsville (PA) bridge burns (June 28,1863) ~ Part of the Confederate army reached Wrightsville (PA) on the Susquehanna River to find the bridge to the north in flames. This element of the Southern army was soon called south to Gettysburg. The Civil War history of the river towns is commemorated with living history, talks and more June 28-30. rivertownes.org/schedule.htm and historicwrightsvillepa.org

• Cavalry at Union Mills and Westminster (late June 1863) ~ Famously separated from Lee's main army, Confederate cavalry ranged east while moving north in central Maryland. They were closely pursued by their Union counterparts and sometimes camped in the same spot just hours apart. Union Mills near Westminster (MD) was one of those places. Living history, tours and talks are planned June 28-30 commemorate the cavalry camps and "Corbit's Charge" in Westminster.
• Action in Emmittsburg (late June 1863) ~ One of the last stops during the Union march toward Gettyburg was Emmittsburg (MD), located just south of the Pennsylvania border. The town commemorates its Civil War history during its Heritage Days, June 28-30. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Shrine hosts special living history programs, tours and music during the event. setonheritage.org
• Approach to Gettysburg (late June 1863) ~ Soldiers from both sides began to head toward the critical crossroads in late June 1863. Events in Cashtown and in Gettysburg itself are planned. The first of two battle reenactments is set June 27-30 and the Gettysburg National Military Park opens their anniversary events with an evening program June 30.

The Vicksburg National Military Park continues its anniversary commemoration with ranger programs on the Battle of Milliken's Bend (June 7) and the attack on the 3rd Louisiana Redan (June 25,) nps.gov/vick
West Virginia

West Virginia Statehood (June 20, 1863) ~ West Virginia became one of the two states joining the Union during the Civil War (the other was Nevada in 1864). A statewide celebration is planned around the anniversary date with the focus on Independence Hall in Wheeling.
Tullahoma Campaign (June 24-July 6, 1864) ~ Overshadowed by the big events at Vicksburg and Gettysburg, a Federal army left Murfreesboro (TN) June 24 en route to the rail center at Chattanooga. The campaign is remembered in ranger programs and living history at Stones River National Battlefield June 15-16 and a bus tour from Chattanooga June 22.
More 150th events: CivilWarTraveler.com/events
Stafford (VA) park opens 
A new Civil War park created on the site of a Union winter camp is now open. Among the features of the park driving/walking tours are an early road and remains of campsites and fortifications. The site was used by the Union XI Corps the winter of 1863. The men moved from here to the Battle of Chancellorsville. The park is located at 400 Mount Hope Road in Stafford, north of Fredericksburg. fscws.org
Star Fort opens in Winchester (VA) 
Star Fort, one in a series of massive earthworks guarding the northern approaches to Winchester, is now open with an interpreted trail. The fort figured in both the Second and Third Battles of Winchester. It's located near the intersection of Route 522 and Fortress Drive. Visitors should park along Fortress Drive. shenandoahatwar.org
CWT photo contest The annual photo contest sponsored by the Civil War Trust is in full swing. Deadline for entry is Aug. 16. Rules and categories: civilwar.org/photos/annual-photo-contest
 USCT news - Nearly 4 million historic documents related to the United States Colored Troops are now available through the National Archives and Fold3. fold3.com/category_268/
- Several groups in Hagerstown (MD) are raising money to fund a memorial to black Civil War veterans to be placed in Rose Hill Cemetery in the city. For more information, call the Hagerstown Convention and Visitors Bureau at 301-791-3246 .
Richmond sets summer Saturday programs The Richmond National Battlefield Park has scheduled free special programs, tours and talks for summer Saturdays. The programs include both battlefield and Richmond homefront topics. The series ends Aug. 31. nps.gov/rich/planyourvisit/saturday-series.htm
Gettysburg church walks offered Weekly walking tours beginning June 12 cover several of Gettysburg's historic churches, many of which served as hospitals during and after the battle. historicchurchwalkingtours.org
Lincoln play opens The play "A. Lincoln: A Pioneer Tale" opens for a second season June 7 at the Lincoln Amphitheatre in Lincoln City (IN) lincolnamphitheatre.org
Exhibits - "The Campaigns of '63: Gettysburg and Vicksburg," opens June 15 at the Civil War Museum in Kenosha (WI). kenosha.org/civilwar
- "Treasures of the Civil War: Legendary Leaders Who Shaped a War and a Nation," opens at the Gettysburg National Military Park museum June 16. gettysburgfoundation.org/137
"Fourteen Days in May: T.J. Jackson's Wounding, Death and Burial," ends Sept. 30 at the Stonewall Jackson House in Lexington (VA). stonewalljackson.org/ events.html
- "1863: Gettysburg Before and After," opens June 1 at the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia (PA) thelaurelhillcemetery.org/ index.php?m=4&id=108
- "Liberty on the Border," continues through Aug. 25 at the Youth Museum of Southern West Virginia, beckley.org/youth_museum/liberty.html
- "Treasures of the Civil War," opens June 1 at the Discover Station in Hagerstown (MD) http://www.discoverystation.org/programs.html
On the Web
June Reenactments For the latest news about reenactments, living history and lectures, see CivilWarTraveler.com/events. | Please click to visit our sponsors online 
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